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ॐ KingSwap Bounty Contest Win up to 0.2 BTC + $10,000 worth | Airdrop Guru (Deutsch)

KingSwap Bounty Contest

Win up to 0.2 BTC + $10,000 worth in $KING

Schwierigkeitsgrad: Einfach

1. KingSwap Bounty Formular öffnen

2. Email verifizieren

3. ETH + BTC Adresse angeben

4. Telegram Gruppe beitreten

5. Verdiene Entries durch Social Media Aufgaben

6. Lade Freunde ein (+50 points)

- Top 1 will receive 0.1 BTC
- Top 2-3 will receive 0.05 BTC each
- Top 4-10 will receive $3,000 worth of $KING tokens shared equally
- Top 11-50 will receive $3,000 worth of $KING tokens shared equally
- Top 51-500 will receive $4,000 worth of $KING tokens shared equally

KingSwap Bounty Contest



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